Group similar Dublin core fields in the advanced search form


Is there a way to group similar Dublin core fields like Creator AND Contributor into a single select option in the search form of Omeka (version 2.4.1) ?

I think the users would prefer to search into a single field instead of having to look in multiple different fields.


You probably have to copy the file application/views/scripts/items/search-form.php in your theme and to edit it as you need.

Thank you Daniel_KM for your answer!

But in my theme file, how to combine multiple values into a single select option?

For example, now I have this :

<select name="advanced[0][element_id]" id="fields-major">
     <option value="">Please select below</option>
	 <option value="39">Creator</option>        
	 <option value="37">Contributor</option>

But I would like to have something like this :

<select name="advanced[0][element_id]" id="fields-major">
    <option value="">Please select below</option>
	<option value="39 AND 37">Creator AND Contributor</option>        

Is it possible?


Probably the simplest way is to manipulate the form via some javascript, after load and before the submit button. It is harder to do it via php.

Note that internally, this will be probably an “or”. Before the submit, get the query via javascript, and if the select option 37 or 39, is set, then do a query with a joiner on the two fields.