Grabbing Exciting embedded Metadata from URLS for items

Building a Collection of Items in my Omeka site. I wondered if there was a way to pull metadata from news articles (I have many in this collection), instead of having to manually enter each myself?

For ex: has you fill out a lot of information on your article before you post (date, attribution, tags etc). Is it like that for most media articles and can we scrape that like Omeka does for Youtube video links?

Thanks so much. You’re saving me a lot of time. :woman_mage:

A plugin can do this (that’s what’s happening with Youtube for you, I think), but out of the box there’s not “automatic” support for pulling metadata from a link like that.

Part of the issue is that different sites often describe themselves very differently, so it’s hard to do that in a generic way.

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I have a plugin that may be of use for you:

It was mainly written to make embedding multimedia content into Omeka easier, but it also does pull some metadata. You may want to give it a shot to see if it helps.

It uses another package to actually retrieve the information from a resource. You can see a demo of that package for any URL here:

I probably need to package a new release with the updates to that dependency, and I’m open to any suggestions if you use it.

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@kloor Thank you! I’ll give it a try now.

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