Geolocation + Archive-It?

Hello. Has anyone who has used the Geolocation plugin (on any Omeka version) been able to use Archive-It to preserve that information in the Wayback Machine? Our library and campus uses Archive-It to preserve some of our digital content (library, university, faculty, and students). We are able to capture the “static” type data from Omeka: Pages, the home page, and Item views. But we cannot capture dynamic content like data represented in the Geolocation plugin view.

My assumption is that this is not possible. But if anyone has had success with this, or has come up with alternative ways to “preserve” that content in the Wayback Machine, please let me know.

I think for now, I will offer to work with each professor and student on recording a narrated video tour of their Omeka projects, which walks through an overview of the Geolocation visualizations.


Colleen Greene, MLIS
Digital Literacy Librarian
Pollak Library, California State University, Fullerton

I presume the problem for Geolocation is that the archiver isn’t executing the javascript, so it doesn’t know to save the XML data for the locations for the map browse. I don’t know if there’s anything to be done about that…

The archivers probably do better with data that’s statically included on the page (like the map display for a single item rather than the browse). The Geolocation browse could be changed to work more similarly to that, but there’s probably just some fairly fundamental issues with live maps like archiving the tiles and things like that which would be difficult to deal with in any case.

Maybe the alternative way of archive that content will be generating an URI to the Open Street Map on the every item page. The URI could be generated by the data used already by the Geolocation plugin and point to the localization of a particular item. Such an URI can be seen as a representation of the localization, as it is not possible to archive OSM at all. You can also put the localization data into the visible metadata fields - so they will be archive as a part of the page.

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