Full Screen Image View and the Freedom Theme

Greetings! I’m testing out the Freedom Theme on my project and am loving it! However, when I try and make the lightbox image view full screen, it extends up “underneath” the main header. I wonder if this could be fixed with a z-index tweak and/or another way.

Here is an example of the problem: Walsh Park - Playground · Chicago Playgrounds · Chicago Playgrounds. Make the image “full screen” and it tucks behind the header.

I’ll keep working on a fix but I would love anyone’s help!

Hi, thanks for using Freedom! The fix for that issue is already in place in the repository and will go live with the next release.

Hey, thanks for the quick reply! And thanks for the quick fix! I’ll look for the next release and will install it straight away.

If you are doing the fixing, another issue I noticed is that sometimes odd characters in titles get jumbled in certain places. For example, on this page (https://chicagoplaygrounds.com/s/guide/page/rubber) the “&” gets garbled in the “Browse Preview” page block. But it displays normally on the item page itself as well as when it’s part of an “Item Showcase” page block (The Best Playgrounds in Chicago · Chicago Playgrounds · Chicago Playgrounds). Not a huge issue - just wanted to send it along!

Hi @ameyer24, this issue was fixed in the latest version of Freedom (v1.0.4), please update the theme and let me know if it worked for you.