File Paginator equivalent in Omeka S

I’m migrating a collection from to Omeka S. In the site, the File Paginator plugin was used to page through an item’s files and the files’ metadata.

What’s the simplest comparable solution in Omeka S? Is it IIIF and mirador?


Depending on your needs, you might use the built-in “Lightbox gallery” resource page block for this.

This is what I was planning to use. But then I learned that they’ve been entering transcriptions in the media records. So as they paged through, they were able to see a page’s transcription alongside the respective document scan.

EDIT: I think this could be done by editing lightbox gallery settings in the theme. But I’m looking for an out-of-the-box solution for this case.

Can you show an example of how they’re using the paginator in Classic?


They’re using the File Paginator plugin in

Here’s an example item

@jflatnes did anything come to mind after seeing this example?

So, I don’t think we have anything pre-existing that’s an exact match there to specifically the option to include the metadata for the files.

Omeka S’s resource page block system would make it pretty easy to create a module that does the same thing as the classic plugin, but I don’t think one exists currently.