Error updating from 2 to 4

I’m updating an older 2.1.2 site to 4.04. We’re not using the latest version because we have issues with the newest Advanced Search
It’s a fresh site, with a database dump from the old site, When I click on the update button I get this:

Error: Call to undefined method Omeka\Entity\SitePageBlock::getLayoutData() in /var/www/html/application/data/migrations/20230523085358_MigrateBlockLayoutData.php:29

The migration is successful if I remove that file.

Hi @alanstanley ,

That’s really weird. The block layouts weren’t added until v4.1.0-rc and that migration is not in the release for v4.0.4

I think you might want to start with a fresh version of v4.0.4 if that’s what you need to use.

Thanks, that was it. The file was left in the migrations folder from an earlier attempt.
We can close this.