Enhancement request: option to save CSV import profile

A saving profile option could be useful in the CSV Import module to re-use an import profile multiple times avoid defining everything from scratch every new import.


I agree that this feature would be great. I’m often importing items from the same input format.

In the module Bulk Import, when the headers are formatted like dcterms:date ^^numeric:timestamp @fra, they will be automatically mapped. A profile can be set for other formats that are managed (json, xml), but not yet for spreadsheets, but soon.

We’re aware of the desire for this feature in CSV Import.

CSV Import does today have some auto-mapping features, though limited to selecting the correct property: if you name columns with the name of the term (i.e. dcterms:title) they will be automatically mapped, and there’s also the “Automap with simple labels” option to enable that kind of matching on the “human readable” name of the property (i.e., “Title”).

A saved/loaded profile or preset feature would of course go further and allow assigning mappings where the names don’t match, as well as the other various settings for the import and column mapping options.