Element/Properties Missing Language Accessibility

Omeka S version 3.0.2 | Chrome Browser on Mac OS | Default Theme 1.6.0 | Item Example George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and One Journalist’s Painfully Honest Self-Examination on Racism · Queer, Black, Intersectional Davidson: An Archival Project · Omeka S Home

I’m working through several of our accessibility issues and one simple one is that language is missing from all properties on the item view. I’m sure this is an easy fix, but I cannot figure it out! I made a bulk edit to all the items on the site to add “en-US” but that now displays on each property (in small font, which rasing an accessibility flag as well), which has since been removed to find a more sustainable fix.

Any ideas on a better solution? This is also happening to item views on other sites using the default theme. Thanks so much!

batch item update: Batch edit items · Omeka S Home 2021-09-14 10-37-48.png - Google Drive

en-US added to each property: George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and One Journalist’s Painfully Honest Self-Examination on Racism · Queer, Black, Intersectional Da… 2021-09-14 10-28-39.png - Google Drive

Primary Error: George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and One Journalist’s Painfully Honest Self-Examination on Racism · Queer, Black, Intersectional Da… 2021-09-14 10-50-19.png - Google Drive

Hmm, I sort of question that this is actually a problem: a blank lang is explicitly allowed by the spec and indicates simply unknown language: from the HTML specification, “The lang attribute (in no namespace) specifies the primary language for the element’s contents and for any of the element’s attributes that contain text. Its value must be a valid BCP 47 language tag, or the empty string. Setting the attribute to the empty string indicates that the primary language is unknown”

We don’t want to have these default to something like en-US because we don’t have any reason to think that’s the language for a value that has no language declared. That WAVE considers this an error is a little odd… presumably if there was no lang attribute at all it would not complain.

As for setting a language causing it to be visibly displayed, Omeka S 3.1.0 adds a site setting to disable that output.

Thanks so much for the reply. Yeah, I definitely don’t want to make eng-US default through the root theme files. I think you’re right that WAVE is over-correcting a few things. It’s our plan to upgrade to 3.1.0 this winter.

I appreciate the clarification!

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