Display XML metadata tree

I’m trying to upload a metadata file XML/EAC to an item and I would like to display tags and all the document tree when I click on it. For now I can only display the text inside the tags.
I suppose I have to add or modify something in Settings > Security but I don’t know exactly what.
Does anyone has a solution for that?

Are you uploading this as a File or doing something like inserting it in one of the element fields?

I’m uploading this as a File, from Items > Edit > Files

Is it possible it is related to EAC or TEI encoding ? Apparently I can display de XML tree only if I upload a flat XML

Can you post a screenshot or link showing what this display looks like? Out of the box Omeka won’t do anything at all with XML that you upload. Maybe you’re just seeing the browser’s default display of the file?

Here I’ve uploaded two XML files : an EAC-CPF file and a flat one version of the same file

the display looks like this for EAC version

this is when I click on the simple XML (this is how I would like to display the EAC version)

here my settings configuration

This looks like a browser issue.

Firefox is totally in charge of how it renders these files; Omeka doesn’t do anything to affect it one way or the other. I’m not sure why it’s showing the tree view correctly for one but not the other. Are the results the same if you try other browsers like Chrome?

Thanks John, you are right, this is a browser issue.
With Chrome I can’t show at all the EAC file and I can show the other one like on Firefox.
Since I could not manage the render, maybe one solution would be to enclose the original file to the item like an attachment. What is the best practice for that?

So, both browsers behave the same way: they show the one file but not the other?

It’s probably something about the file itself then… maybe the one that doesn’t show properly specifies an XSL stylesheet and the browser can’t load it?

Exactly, this was the problem.
I removed the link to my XSL tranformation and now I can show the metadata tree for EAC file too.
I really thank you for your help!

I’m still curious about how to attach a file (like a XML file not a PDF one) to an item, but it’s probably better to keep the question open for a new and well documented post.