Display question about Facet By Metadata

When I set up search criteria for my items on the site, spirituals-database.com, I’d been able to have only the fields that actually had content display as searchable options at the bottom of the item page. Now, all of the fields display, which causes incorrect results if an empty field is selected.


This appears to have happened as part of the last Omeka update. Is there a way to again give me the option of controlling which facets/fields display?

Entirely possible that something changed in the update. I’ll have to dig into it a bit, though. Thanks for the report.

Latest release should resolve this. Let me know how it works.

Thanks for addressing my initial problem. The changes seem to have worked.

Only problem is that another problem has come up. Now, the URL field in that area display like this:

instead of just the URL: https://www.amazon.co.uk/ROBESON-Vinyl-Boxset-Records-SM341-SM344/dp/B00MS7WPLU

Please let me know if there is a possible solution.

Thanks again!!

Hello again, If there has been a response to my secondary inquiry above, please resend. Thanks!!

BTW, I’d reported this same problem in 2015. Below is your last response to that report, where you must’ve worked out solution since the display had been fine until recently.

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