Display Mirador/UniversalViewer only on certain item pages

Hi! My question might be obvious: how can I display Mirador/Universal Viewew only on the item pages of ONE item set? For example, I’m building a site with multiple item sets with different types of resources, but I just wanted to use Mirador/Universal Viewer to display images. Is there a way to do that? I found the following in the manual, but didn’t understand how to customize the code to my resources…

// Display the viewer with the specified item set.
echo $this->mirador($itemSet);

// Display the viewer with the specified item and specified options.
// The options for Mirador are directly passed to the partial, so they are
// available in the theme and set for the viewer.
echo $this->mirador($item, $options);

// Display multiple resources (items and/or item sets).
echo $this->mirador($resources);

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