Default Map view - Only OSM?

I am learning about the mapping module and implementing some customized basemaps that have deeper zoom levels (18+). So far I have leaflet and Omeka-s working to display the basemaps as choices in the mapping block on the admin and site pages. I then started to edit some items and attempted to change the default view to the custom basemap - though I save and exit, it does not persist the default view.

I have experimented a bit and it appears that the default view is zoom level only, not actual choice of basemap. And then because the OSM map is the default and it has a zoom level of 18 or 19, when I zoom in on my custom base map, it does not persist that zoom level. Do I have this right?

I know you are working on the new mapping module. Will it support setting the default view to other base maps and at zoom levels 19+ ?


I have experimented a bit and it appears that the default view is zoom level only, not actual choice of basemap.

The default view is a combination of basemap provider, minimum and maximum zoom level, and bounding box (what is visible at the default zoom level). You can choose a basemap, but only from a pre-set list of providers.

And then because the OSM map is the default and it has a zoom level of 18 or 19, when I zoom in on my custom base map, it does not persist that zoom level. Do I have this right?

Given no maximum zoom, the default is 19. This is enforced in the JavaScript. You can set a maximum zoom to more than 19 if you wish, but providers typically don’t go beyond 19. The bounding box interface does not go beyond 19, so it is not possible to set a bounding box and have a default zoom of more than that.

I know you are working on the new mapping module. Will it support setting the default view to other base maps and at zoom levels 19+ ?

No, the next release will not support setting custom basemaps or raising the bounding box zoom level to beyond 19. We will consider it for a future version.

Thank you @jimsafley for the response. I’m looking forward to the new Mapping Module.

I just wanted to confirm for you one thing: in my experiments, no matter what base map I chose (either Omeka-s out of the box or my custom ones) when I saved the default view, it persisted the bounding box but not the map. Instead it reverted the map to the OSM one.

Does that sound possible? Perhaps this has something to do with changes I made (?) but I thought I would mention it. I can test a bit more tomorrow or the next day.

It works fine for me. Your changes could have something to do with it. Try removing your changes and performing a hard refresh.