CSV Import - media

Hello everyone,

I am using the CSV Import module on Omeka S and would like to insert media for the content. However, I don’t understand how to structure the CSV file in order to include the media.

Can someone provide me an example of the CSV file and the import module on Omeka S?

I appreciate anyone who can help me

Best regards,


Hi @Aurora ,

This might help CSV Import - Untitled media - #3 by Legacy . I recorded a video how to do a mixed resource import where you have a row for items and a row (or rows) for media associated with an item. In the video I’m showing how to attach media with embed codes, but a similar process can be used for files.

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Hi Aurora

What and where is the media that you want to import for the items?


Use either of these options:

  1. In your spreadsheet add a column in row 1 named media:url and add the URL for the media you wish to import this column e.g. https://my-web-site/images/foo.jpg and save as CSV. Now load this file in the CSVImport module and for the column media:url add a source mapping of URL in the drop-down to the right and import.
  2. Install the File SIdeload Module and configure it to use the dierctory path to where your images are stored e.g /home/public_html/images. Then in the media:url column just add the name of the file e.g. foo.jpg - making sure to natch the case of the filename. Save and import the CSV and map (using the + symbol) the media source to Sideload and import.
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reefmog.csv (921 Bytes)

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