I am using the CSV Import module on Omeka S and would like to insert media for the content. However, I don’t understand how to structure the CSV file in order to include the media.
Can someone provide me an example of the CSV file and the import module on Omeka S?
This might help CSV Import - Untitled media - #3 by Legacy . I recorded a video how to do a mixed resource import where you have a row for items and a row (or rows) for media associated with an item. In the video I’m showing how to attach media with embed codes, but a similar process can be used for files.
In your spreadsheet add a column in row 1 named media:url and add the URL for the media you wish to import this column e.g. https://my-web-site/images/foo.jpg and save as CSV. Now load this file in the CSVImport module and for the column media:url add a source mapping of URL in the drop-down to the right and import.
Install the File SIdeload Module and configure it to use the dierctory path to where your images are stored e.g /home/public_html/images. Then in the media:url column just add the name of the file e.g. foo.jpg - making sure to natch the case of the filename. Save and import the CSV and map (using the + symbol) the media source to Sideload and import.