CSV Import Error Message - Identifier

Hi All,

I am having problems importing CSV files for the first time. After uploading my CSV file, I make it to “Step 2: Map columns to elements, tags, or files.” Then, in step 2, in column header File (which has the url address), I select Files for special value. After clicking the import button, I receive the message " * Please map a column to the special value “Identifier”. Or I receive an Omeka Error message on the next page.

I am unsure what I am doing wrong to import.


Can you share which CSV importing plugin you’re using? The name/author, or the URL of the page where you got it, would do.

Hi John,

Thank you for your help. I think the version that I am using is :

CSV Import+

Version 2.3.3 by Daniel Berthereau (improvement of CSV Import of Center for History & New Media)

It is the version that is on Omeka classic plugins tab. I downloaded it about a year ago when I first created this collection site for a local museum. It gives me the option to configure, deactivate or uninstall. I’m unsure what I should do.


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