Creative Commons Vocabulary

I need some help configuring Creative Commons for my site.

I’ve add CC as a Vocabulary but now I want to use Value Suggest so that I can auto-complete with license values (such as CC BY or CC BY NC, etc).

I’ve added an Item Set of license Items (with associated metadata such as attributionURL and attributionName) however when I go to add a this license to an Item, the CC license links to its Omeka-S Item as opposed to the attributionURL.

You can see an example here:

Is there a better way to set up Creative Commons in Omeka-S to take advantage of the Vocabulary? I would like each Item (that has a license) to display the CC license with a link to the license info from Creative Commons, not my license Item.


I’d like a user friendly way for content authors to assign a CC license to their uploads.

I have seen this project that creates a dropdown.

So I was thinking I could modify it to include Creative Commons URI -> here.

I’m new to Omeka and a bit lost, so I don’t know if this would be the right approach. How does it sound to you?

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