Contribution plugin - redirect to "thank you" page


I’m working on an Omeka page that uses the Contribution plugin. I noticed that for newer versions of the plugin the action that redirects users to the thankyou.php page after a successful public contribution is no longer present (in the ContributionController.php file), or at the very least it wasn’t working on my install.

To add that functionality I had to look at older versions of the plugin and manually add in the $this->_redirect(‘contribution/thankyou’); line in the contributeAction function in my plugin.

Was there a reason this functionality was taken out? It seems like it would be useful at least as an option.

That looks like it’s still there, but somewhat restructured. Line 78 has

$this->_helper->_redirector->gotoRoute(array('action' => 'thankyou'), $route);

So, if the redirect isn’t happening, there’s some other bug at work.