Connected Carousel with Center Row theme

I’m trying to use Connected Carousel in the Center Row theme. Reading the documentation, it says that:
Using the carousel with an item involves modifying show.php in the theme’s items
directory and replacing the line of code that displays an image (it often looks like this)
<?php if ((get_theme_option('Item FileGallery') == 0) && metadata('item', 'has files')): ?>
<?php echo files_for_item(array('imageSize' => 'fullsize')); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
with the following:
<?php if ((get_theme_option('Item FileGallery') == 0) && metadata('item', 'has files')): ?>
<?php echo $this->shortcodes(’[concarousel ids=’.metadata(‘item’,‘id’).’ center=false
slides=3 showdescription=true captionposition=right width=100% float=right
slideshow=false speed=2000 focus=true navigation=false navbar=false]’);?>
<?php endif; ?>

I’m new to php - I opened the show.php in the items folder in the theme directory, but there are no lines that match the one in the example. How do I find what needs to be replaced?