Can't use Installatron with higher php version

Hi! I’ve only been using Omeka for a couple of months, so please bear with me! My modules are all up to date and I’d been hoping to update to 4.1, especially since ValueSuggest (I think!) stopped working a couple of days ago. (I thought updating might help?) Trying a manual update did not go well, so I restored and went to try Installatron. It said that it couldn’t do the update because I’m using PHP 8.2.18 and it requires 7.4 to 8.0.99. Any thoughts? Thanks!!

We don’t have any input into what Installatron is doing. There’s no PHP 8.0 requirement for Omeka S 4.1.0, though; 8.3 is supported (and everything in between).

Hi @gm12,

I can’t help you with Installatron, but we’ve had similar issues in the past and think we’ve come up with a better hosting solution for Omeka and Omeka S. I recorded this quick video that walks through how we are able to easily upgrade Omeka S.

To learn more you can visit: RefBytes Platform Manager

Thank you for the advice! I was able to get 4.1 installed manually. Whew! :sweat_smile: