Can't log in after Reference module installed

I’m building an Omeka S 3.2.3 server. When I install the Reference module and log out I’m no longer able to sign in to the server. Please help.

Just as an immediate fix, any module can be effectively disabled even without access to the admin panel if you move its folder out of the modules folder.

It seems like an odd module to cause this kind of effect, though. What happens when you try to sign in? An error, or something else?

At the moment I’m just running it in a docker container (based on php/8.0-apache) on my Mac, so I’m still building it for later production. The root page (http://hostname/) shows odd character including question marks within a triangle in the background, and in the foreground is my title and some text with the link to the Admin dashboard. The Admin dashboard (http://hostname/admin) displays those same characters and nothing else (no login page at all):

aMac OS X 2��ATTR��=�;63bde1e7;Firefox;2D7E288B-5C30-444F-8F3C-B5BED53EE8BD

The “” thing is some data Apple adds to things downloaded from the internet. It looks like somehow your setup is picking up the resource forks of files and causing problems… maybe this is an issue specific to using Docker on a Mac and it using different file systems than the host system? I’m not sure.

I don’t think this problem is related to Omeka per se, though, judging from that output.

Thanks. Apple adds these to files when uncompressing on a Mac. I changed my Dockerfile to work with the zip files directly and it solved the problem, except for Bulk Edit 3.3.19 but that’s another problem.

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