Bulk edit from parent collections?

Hi guys, one of our client use “Bulk Metadata Editor”, and they also use “Collection Tree”, is it possible to bulk edit from parent collection?

For example: -Journals [parent collection ]
–>Ukrainian Journals [Colection]
—> Journal Vol 1[collection]
—>item 1
—>item 2, etc
—> Journal Vol 2[collection]
—>item 1
—>item 2, etc

is that possible to bulk edit from parent collection[i.e: Journals]?
I don’t see it possible, without modifying the Bulk Metadata Editor plugin. Is any other users have similar experiences and how do you solve it?


I developed some features in Bulk Metadata Editor and the one you want is not implemented. Generally, a combination of title / identifier or any field is enough to process all required items. Contact me if you really want to integrate it.