Best way to add multiple items to an item set, based on a list of itemid's


I’m looking for an easy way to add multiple items to an item set, based on a list of o:id’s.
When using csv import and adding the item set in basic settings, the items that are already part of other item sets will lose this information. Any methods, modules or settings that make this a less complicated task?

Eventually, I would also like to be able to do this via the API, but again, without the hassle of iterating trough entire payloads and risking data loss.

Best regards,

Batch edit allows you to add multiple items to a set.

If there’s some search that you can run that results in your set of items you want to work with, that should be a very simple option to do this. If you truly need to work from a list of IDs, you can specify those in the query string for a search/browse (admin/item?id[]=X&id[]=Y where X and Y are item IDs, and you can continue in that fashion with many IDs at once) and then do the batch edit at that point.

The query string solution does the job, thanks!

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