APIImport not bringing exhibits

We ran the OmekaAPIImport plug in. We have the newest version of Omeka on the destination server and then I believe 2.8 on the old server. We ran the API, but the exhibits didn’t transfer but I believe all the collections and items did. The Exhibit Builder plug in did transfer and we installed it. Do they have a recommendation on next steps? Would just transferring the old Exhibit Builder directory over work? Should we transfer over all the plugins?

I see that there was a similar issue in 2017 but it mentioned a bug that may have been addressed so just want to check. Thanks!

Moving the Exhibit Builder folder over won’t move your exhibits over.

Did you have Exhibit Builder installed and active on the destination server before you ran the import? It needs to be in that order for the import to pick up exhibits.

No, we didn’t have it active. Can we reactivate it and then rerun the import? Will it pick them up?

That should work fine, yes.

Thanks for your help. I tried to run the API import twice and received an error. I looked on the forums and it says there is a log somewhere to tell me errors, but I can’t find it? I do have the errors enabled so that they appear on the screen, but it didn’t show me anything. Can tell me where the log for the api import exists? Thanks again!

The imports happen in background jobs, so error display won’t show errors from them even when its turned on.

You’d have to turn on logging and then look at the error log file after you try running the import.

Despite the error messages the import worked! Thanks so much for your help.