AdvancedSearch Apply Facets Warning

I am using Omeka-s 4.0.1 AdvancedSearch 3.4.8 , when I click “Apply Facets” , It will do the apply , but there is a warning "

Warning : Declaration of AdvancedSearch\View\Helper\AbstractFacetElement::__invoke(string $facetField, array $facet, array $options = Array, bool $asData = false) should be compatible with AdvancedSearch\View\Helper\AbstractFacet::__invoke(?string $facetField, array $facetValues, array $options = Array, bool $asData = false) in**/modules/AdvancedSearch/src/View/Helper/AbstractFacetElement.php** on line17

any idea ?


This looks like a minor bug in the module.

I was going to suggest reporting this to the module’s developer, but it looks like they actually fixed this problem quite recently, a couple days ago. So probably an upcoming release of the AdvancedSearch module will fix that.