Advanced Search link does not appear on Item Set page

The Omeka S manual says

Advanced item set search
Site visitors can access an advanced item set search from the Browse Items Sets page, if you have that page accessible. There is a link for Advanced search near the top of the Item Sets page.

On my site I have two item sets. When I display the Item Sets page it shows no such link. What’s up with that? Is it a bug? Does the search link appear only when there are some number of item sets? Someone please elucidate.

The link should be there, but (as with everything about the public side display) what each page contains and looks like depends on your theme. What theme are you using?

Theme = Foundation. Stylesheet within theme = Inkwell.

This looks like an issue specific to the Foundation theme. It just doesn’t include the advanced search link on the item sets browse page. I’ve filed an issue on the theme noting the omission.