Adding Items as Resources for a Site

When everything is just “starting” that really means it never started.

Depending on the server, this can either mean that you just can’t run background jobs, or that you have to set a setting in our config file to enable them.

Here’s a section of the manual that describes the setting you may need to set, the PHP CLI path. You can check this in the “system information” screen as described in the manual there, and if there’s an issue you could check with your host to see if they can give you the correct path that you can set in your config file.

The other option, if your server just can’t run background jobs, also involves the config/local.config.php file. There’s a section at the bottom of that file that looks like

    'service_manager' => [
        'aliases' => [
            'Omeka\File\Store' => 'Omeka\File\Store\Local',
            'Omeka\File\Thumbnailer' => 'Omeka\File\Thumbnailer\ImageMagick',

and you can add an extra line on the inside there, after the Omeka\File\Thumbnailer one, with this content:

       'Omeka\Job\DispatchStrategy' => 'Omeka\Job\DispatchStrategy\Synchronous',

Putting that line in makes Omeka S not run “background jobs” in the background, they just happen as part of your web request. This setting will work on any server, but limits you to shorter, faster jobs that won’t use too much time. For these little jobs that add items to the site, that shouldn’t really be an issue though.