Add item sets to CSV Import

Hi All,

I need to add the item set to the items of the csv file to import in CSV import.

The path would be Import type: mixed resources or items?

What would be the name of the header to assign the item sets? and What would be the value of this header, the item sets Id or the name?

You’re trying to create new sets, or just assign imported items to existing sets?

Existing sets and assing imported items

You can just do an Item import then.

When you go to map columns for an item import, one of the choices under “Item-specific data” is “Item set (by specified property)”: that is for choosing a set for the item being imported. You have a dropdown choice there of what data you have in your sheet to select the set: “Internal ID” is probably the simplest if you know the ID numbers of your item sets, but you can also use the Title or Identifier properties, or any other suitable property.