1TB of Files - Leave in external location?

My apologies if this has already been answered in some fashion but searching did not yield anything pertinent.

I am looking to use Omeka Classic to host up to 1TB of PDF files. They will be on a drive of their own on the network in a file structure I’d ultimately like to maintain.

Is there a plugin or process that will allow me to add them to a collection, but have Omeka leave the files in an external location on our network? I’d rather not have to import all of them if possible. I have looked at Archive Repertory but cannot determine that it does what I need. All others seem to simply be batch importers.

All other collections will be imported normally per Omeka’s existing process.

I am not a developer but have one at hand if we need to update php code or do other basic maintenance to the Omeka installation.

Any advice or insight is appreciated. Thank you,


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