YouTube Importer Error: 'There is no element ..."


I received an error message that says ‘There is no element “Item Type Metadata”, “Player”!

On the advice of another post ( I uninstalled the YouTubeImporter plugin, which solved the problem. However, I would like to actually use the YouTube Importer, which I have previously used without issue! Is there a known way to solve this error if I want to keep the YouTube plugin?

Thanks in advance.

Still struggling with this one. I tried deleting YouTubeImport from the File Manager and reinstalling.

But when I try to look at any of my items (including all the still images), I get this error message: Omeka_Record_Exception: There is no element “Item Type Metadata”, “Player”!

Is there an adjustment I can make that will me to use the YouTubeImport and also be able to view items’s detail pages?


I found the answer on the GitHub page for the plugin.

Here’s what to do:
Go to the Item Types menu (left-hand menu on Admin view)
Add a new Item Type, “Player.”
Add a new element to that the “Player” Item Type, also named “Player”
Save. Reload.
Now you should be able to view items.

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