Upgrade problem - not a valid URL *only* on showing items

I’m really confused. This doesn’t appear to be a file that was in the previous install either. Where does it come from?

EDIT: So this is interesting. It must be within the themes files - when I switch to the default theme or Berlin (we use Seasons) it works fine - it’s only when I go back to our customized theme it breaks. So I guess I’ll have to look a little deeper at whatever it was my predecessor did that causes this to break…

EDIT2: Found the offending line. My predecessor had coded in the following line in show.php that threw off everything in this install:

<?php echo all_element_texts('item', array('partial' => 'common/partial.php')); ?>

I very simply changed it to

<?php echo all_element_texts('item', array()); ?

But the other version was working fine in the previous install. I can’t explain why!

There might have been a slight change to how the view partials are handled and loaded that we hadn’t seen. I don’t immediately see what the difference is either. It might be that somewhere in your custom theme there’s a file called common/partial.php that was working fine, but something in the new version of Omeka made it not load correctly.

Definitely no file that I could find – I was searching around for it desperately the other day until I realized that when I got rid of it everything worked just fine. I don’t quite understand what it did previously though, so I’m not worrying about it for now. Perhaps my predecessor was trying to do something and making it more complicated than he needed to.

Somewhat related to the above, I have not yet made the changes to the GuestUser and UserProfiles plug-in that, in the latter case, somehow “broke” the database in the previous install. I’ve upgraded GuestUser and will be going step by step with UserProfiles changes this time. I’m thinking about creating an exact copy of the current state of things in a sandbox and then making the changes to see if I can re-create the issue - I’ll log it in GitHub if it happens again, along with the steps / offending files or code.