Updates on Searching HTML Media

With no installed search modules, I am currently unable to return an Item when searching for unique strings in the HTML media attached to it. It seems from past forum posts that this is just the way it is, so the best way of phrasing my question might be: Are there any updates to the suggestions and discussion in What are the best practices for full text search with Omeka S? - #18 by Amanda for making HTML media content searchable? (Using the Extract Text function and putting the same text in the Media’s alt text didn’t seem to do anything when I tried that, though there might be a config setting I’m missing for that part.)

[Edited for clarity]

The text content of HTML media is included in the fulltext search index, since version 4.1.0.

Womp womp.
We’re on 3.x still. Anything to do for our searching?

In earlier versions I think you’d have to be looking at replicating the text you want to be searchable into the metadata.

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