Unchecking the default site settings: Auto-assign items

Hi there,
I’m trying to edit the file SiteSettingsForm.php under src > Form so that the Auto-Assign items isn’t checked by default. I tried the obvious first, changing “true” to “false”, but that didn’t work upon updating and clearing my site’s cache. Then I tried to model off of others in that file ‘value’ => $settings->get(‘o:assign_new_items’), but that didn’t work either. I also tried duplicating this file and putting it under my specific theme’s folder, but that failed as well.

Does anyone have any other suggestions? I was able to uncheck the other settings very easily, but for some reason, this Auto-assign items is tough.


Just chiming in here once more. I still cannot get auto-assign items to default to unchecked. It’s a real issue with us, because many times other managers of sites forget to uncheck this and then un-related items appear on their sites.

In the code, I’ve tried changing to the following, it still didn’t work:

‘name’ => ‘o:assign_new_items’,
‘type’ => ‘checkbox’,
‘options’ => [
‘label’ => ‘Auto-assign new items’, // @translate
‘info’ => ‘Select this if you want new items to be automatically assigned to this site. Note that item owners may unassign their items at any time.’, // @translate
‘attributes’ => [
‘id’ => ‘assign_new_items’,
‘value’ => false,

‘name’ => ‘o:assign_new_items’,
‘type’ => ‘checkbox’,
‘options’ => [
‘label’ => ‘Auto-assign new items’, // @translate
‘info’ => ‘Select this if you want new items to be automatically assigned to this site. Note that item owners may unassign their items at any time.’, // @translate
‘attributes’ => [
‘id’ => ‘assign_new_items’,
‘value’ => (bool) $settings->get(‘assign_new_items’, false),

What version are you using?

I think what’s happening here is that, despite the default set here, assign_new_items is actually set elsewhere… I believe it’s the controller but I’d want to know what version you’re working with to be sure.

Ah, Ok. We’re using Omeka version 3.2.0 . Would it be in the controller in this version?

Actually, I think I just found it, under src > Controller > SiteAdmin > IndexController.php and the following code:

public function addAction()
$form = $this->getForm(SiteForm::class);
$themes = $this->themes->getThemes();
if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
$postData = $this->params()->fromPost();
if ($form->isValid()) {
$formData = $form->getData();
// Set o:assign_new_items to true by default. This is the legacy
// setting from before v3.0 when sites were using the item pool.
$formData[‘o:assign_new_items’] = false;
$formData[‘o:theme’] = $postData[‘o:theme’];
$formData[‘o:is_public’] = $postData[‘o:is_public’];
$response = $this->api($form)->create(‘sites’, $formData);
if ($response) {
$this->messenger()->addSuccess(‘Site successfully created’); // @translate
return $this->redirect()->toUrl($response->getContent()->url());
} else {

I changed it from “true” to “false” and it seems to have worked! Would this be the sole place to change it?

Thanks for helping me find it!

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