Unable to access the solr administration interface

I am trying to test Omeka Solr Search addon.

I have followed the apache quick guide. I decompressed solr on /home/user/bin/solr/ and launch it with:

run: bin/solr start -e cloud -noprompt

At this point, I am able to access to the solr administration interface (http://localhost:8983/solr/).

The problem is about the omeka core. I copied solr-core/omeka to /home/user/bin/solr-6.4.1/server/solr and restarted Solr but the new core is not recognized. I tried also to put it with /home/user/bin/solr-6.4.1/example/cloud/ without success.

Is there something to do to install the omeka core?

any help would be appreciated

Thank you

The Solr Search plugin isn’t compatible by default with newer Solr versions. See this issue for details: https://github.com/scholarslab/SolrSearch/issues/123

Hi @leviya

I don’t have a clear answer, but I hope this document will help you https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16230493/apache-solr-unable-to-access-admin-page

So far with how to access the solr administration interface.

I know this is not probably the answer you were looking for, but it might give you an insight on how others are doing it. Also, I think this course might help with Solr Administration Interface.

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