Table of content for videos in Mirador?

Hello everyone,

We use Mirador in our Omeka S installation.
We would like to display videos amongst other archival material.

Those videos are long and their description provides a list of chapters. However, I haven’t found a way to deliver a direct access to a part of the video like we would a part of a book based on the table of contents.

I have observed the IIIF cookbook which mentions a table of contents for A/V content but it does not seem to be supported by Mirador.
I have tried integrating a table of contents both to the item and the media: the table appears, but the index do not send us to another part of the same video (even when trying to copy the aforementioned example manifest format) as it’s looking for another canvas.

I must also say that at this time our IIIF manifest (made possible by the IIIF server module) does not list a duration for the video, and the annotation module for Mirador doesn’t seem to work properly for a video file.

Is there something to be done or is this a Mirador issue?
Thanks in advance

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