Solr version for SolrSearch

What is the latest Solr version that is supported by SolrSearch for omeka? I know it has to be Solr 4.0+, but a test with the Solr 6.2.1 did not go well.

I think this issue on the Scholars’ Lab’s Github repository for SolrSearch is probably the best source of information: first that it seems like full support might be limited to just Solr 4, but also that another user posted their own experience in altering things to work with 6.2.

Thank you! We will test.

Having trouble setting the path to the core.

Tried the following:

but none work. A ‘Solr connection is invalid’ message was returned.

we can successfully install solr (either 6.3 or 4.10 versions) and have solr successfully load the omeka core for SolrSearch plugin.

But omeka just keep reporting “invalid path” when trying to make the hand shake.

We have tried with both jetty and tomcat.

No luck.

Here is the link to a git forum where this solr installation issue is discussed:

Any ideas?