Sidebar Default for Universal Viewer

Hi there,
I am having this small issue where whenever I load a page with a universal viewer window the sidebar on that window automatically opens. Is there a way to make it default to closed? Image of what I mean below.


Daniel Brett

1 Like

Hi Daniel

go to the following directory: plugins/universalviewer/views/public/universal-viewer/

and configurate the config.json
Here is an example of some parameters.

“options”: {
“allowStealFocus”: false,
“bookmarkThumbHeight”: 150,
“bookmarkThumbWidth”: 90,
“dropEnabled”: false,
“footerPanelEnabled”: true,
“headerPanelEnabled”: true,
“leftPanelEnabled”: false,
“limitLocales”: false,
“multiSelectionMimeType”: “application/zip”,
“navigatorEnabled”: false,
“openTemplate”: “{0}”,
“overrideFullScreen”: false,
“pagingEnabled”: false,
“pagingOptionEnabled”: false,
“pessimisticAccessControl”: false,
“preserveViewport”: false,
“rightPanelEnabled”: false,
“saveUserSettings”: false,
“clickToZoomEnabled”: true,
“searchWithinEnabled”: true,
“termsOfUseEnabled”: false,
“theme”: “uv-en-GB-theme”,
“tokenStorage”: “session”,
“useArrowKeysToNavigate”: false,
“zoomToSearchResultEnabled”: true
“modules”: {
“contentLeftPanel”: {
“options”: {
“defaultToTreeEnabled”: false,
“defaultToTreeIfGreaterThan”: 0,
“elideCount”: 40,
“expandFullEnabled”: false,
“galleryThumbChunkedResizingThreshold”: 400,
“galleryThumbHeight”: 320,
“galleryThumbLoadPadding”: 3,
“galleryThumbWidth”: 200,
“oneColThumbHeight”: 320,
“oneColThumbWidth”: 200,
“pageModeEnabled”: true,
“panelAnimationDuration”: 250,
“panelCollapsedWidth”: 30,
“panelExpandedWidth”: 255,
“panelOpen”: false,
“tabOrder”: “”,
“thumbsEnabled”: true,
“thumbsExtraHeight”: 8,
“thumbsImageFadeInDuration”: 300,
“thumbsLoadRange”: 15,
“treeEnabled”: true,
“twoColThumbHeight”: 150,
“twoColThumbWidth”: 90
“content”: {
“collapse”: “Collapse Contents”,
“collapseFull”: “Collapse Gallery”,
“date”: “date”,
“expand”: “Expand Contents”,
“expandFull”: “Expand Gallery”,
“index”: “Index”,
“searchResult”: “{0} search result”,
“searchResults”: “{0} search results”,
“sortBy”: “Sort By:”,
“thumbnails”: “Thumbnails”,
“title”: “Contents”,
“volume”: “volume”
“dialogue”: {
“content”: {
“close”: “Close”
“downloadDialogue”: {
“options”: {
“confinedImageSize”: 1000,
“currentViewDisabledPercentage”: 90,
“maxImageWidth”: 5000,
“optionsExplanatoryTextEnabled”: false,
“selectionEnabled”: false
“content”: {
“currentViewAsJpg”: “Current view {0} x {1}px (jpg)”,
“currentViewAsJpgExplanation”: “Opens in a new window”,
“pagingNote”: “Please turn off Two Page View for additional options.”

"footerPanel": {
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  "content": {
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    "feedback": "Feedback",
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    "fullScreen": "Full Screen",
    "open": "Open",
    "share": "Share"
"genericDialogue": {
  "content": {
    "emptyValue": "please enter a value.",
    "invalidNumber": "Please enter a valid number.",
    "noMatches": "No matches were found.",
    "ok": "OK",
    "pageNotFound": "This item does not contain a page with the number you entered. Try switching the numbering mode to 'image'.",
    "refresh": "Refresh"
"headerPanel": {
  "options": {
    "localeToggleEnabled": false,
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"helpDialogue": {
  "content": {
    "text": "placeholder text",
    "title": "Help"
"moreInfoRightPanel": {
  "options": {
    "canvasDisplayOrder": "",
    "canvasExclude": "",
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    "manifestDisplayOrder": "",
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    "panelAnimationDuration": 250,
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    "rtlLanguageCodes": "ar, ara, dv, div, he, heb, ur, urd",
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    "textLimit": 4,
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  "content": {
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    "holdingText": "Your module goes here!",
    "less": "less",
    "license": "License",
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    "more": "more",
    "noData": "No data to display",
    "page": "Page",
    "title": "More Information",
    "manifestHeader": "About the item",
    "canvasHeader": "About the image",
    "copyToClipboard": "Copy to clipboard",
    "copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard"
"multiSelectDialogue": {
  "options": {
    "galleryThumbChunkedResizingEnabled": true,
    "galleryThumbChunkedResizingThreshold": 400,
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    "galleryThumbLoadPadding": 3,
    "galleryThumbWidth": 200,
    "pageModeEnabled": false
  "content": {
    "select": "Download",
    "selectAll": "Select All",
    "title": "Select Pages for Download"
"pagingHeaderPanel": {
  "options": {
    "autoCompleteBoxEnabled": false,
    "galleryButtonEnabled": false,
    "imageSelectionBoxEnabled": false,
    "pageModeEnabled": false,
    "pagingToggleEnabled": false
  "content": {
    "close": "Close",
    "emptyValue": "Please enter a value",
    "first": "First",
    "firstImage": "First Image",
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    "go": "Go",
    "help": "Help",
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    "last": "Last",
    "lastImage": "Last Image",
    "lastPage": "Last Page",
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    "nextImage": "Next Image",
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    "of": "of {0}",
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    "previousImage": "Previous Image",
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"seadragonCenterPanel": {
  "options": {
    "animationTime": 0.15,
    "autoHideControls": true,
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    "controlsFadeAfterInactive": 1500,
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    "attribution": "Attribution",
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    "imageUnavailable": "Image Unavailable",
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    "zoomIn": "Zoom In",
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"searchFooterPanel": {
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    "image": "image",
    "imageCaps": "Image",
    "instanceFound": "1 instance of '{0}' found",
    "instancesFound": "{0} instances of '{1}' found",
    "nextResult": "Next Result",
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    "pageCaps": "Page",
    "previousResult": "Previous Result",
    "print": "Print",
    "resultFoundFor": "result found for",
    "resultsFoundFor": "results found for",
    "searchWithin": "Search within this item:"
"settingsDialogue": {
  "content": {
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    "preserveViewport": "Preserve Zoom",
    "title": "Settings",
    "website": "<a href=''>more info</a>"
"shareDialogue": {
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    "embedInstructions": "To embed this item in your own website, copy and paste the code below.",
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    "shareInstructions": "To share this item, copy the URL below.",
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"clickThroughDialogue": {
  "content": {
    "viewTerms": "Read Full Terms and Conditions"
"loginDialogue": {
  "content": {
    "login": "Login",
    "logout": "Logout",
    "cancel": "Cancel"
"mobileFooterPanel": {
  "content": {
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    "moreInfo": "More Information",
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    "zoomOut": "Zoom Out"
"restrictedDialogue": {
  "content": {
    "cancel": "Cancel"

“localisation”: {
“label”: “English (GB)”,
“locales”: [
“name”: “cy-GB”,
“label”: “Cymraeg”
“name”: “en-GB”,
“label”: “English (GB)”
“content”: {
“authCORSError”: “Your browser does not support CORS, please upgrade to view this content.”,
“authorisationFailedMessage”: “Your log-in attempt did not appear to be successful. Please try again.”,
“canvasIndexOutOfRange”: “Canvas index out of range.”,
“degradedResourceMessage”: “Please log in to view at full quality.”,
“degradedResourceLogin”: “log in”,
“forbiddenResourceMessage”: “Your current access rights are insufficient to view this image”,
“termsOfUse”: “Terms of Use”

Good Luck!