Scripto: clicking "edit" to "save"

We’ve been looking at using Scripto for some crowd-sourced transcription of some old handwritten notebooks.

However, one of the problems we’re seeing is that it is not very intuitive to use; in particular, anyone creating a transcript needs to click the “edit” button to save what he’s just entered. Otherwise everything he’s just written goes AWOL.

Has anyone got a workaround for this?


Same problem. I don’t know what the solution! Anyone else!

Would love to hear if others have figured out a solution.



The “edit transcription” text is default in Scripto, but you can change the text of the button in your installation if you want to.

Specifically, in the file transcribe.php in the folder /views/shared/index/, on line 358:

<?php echo $this->formButton('scripto-transcription-page-edit', __('Edit transcription'), array('style' => 'display:inline; float:none;')); ?> 

Replaced ‘Edit transcription’ in the bit that reads __('Edit transcription'), with the text of your choice - ‘Save Changes’ or just ‘Save’.

You might want to check out the Scribe theme built specifically for Scripto by the University of Iowa Libraries.