Requiring class in resource template / resource class vs dctype?

Background: I am mapping a local metadata model to Omeka S in which “type” is a required field.

Is it possible to designate a Resource Class as required in an Omeka S resource template? I see that I can choose a “Suggested Class,” but in this case, I don’t care which class a user chooses: I just want to require them to choose one.

Is this possible, or should I require dcterms:type instead? I’m still a little unclear on how Resource Class and dcterms:type do or don’t relate to each other in Omeka S.

Thank you!

The resource class and dcterms:type property don’t relate to each other in Omeka S.

Choices for the class selection are pre-provided by vocabularies like Dublin Core and others, while dcterms:type by default is a free-text input.

In terms of requiring entry for that element, requiring dcterms:type is probably the way to go. As you’ve noticed, we don’t have a feature to require users to select a resource class.

This feature (limit the choice of the resource class to a specified list of classes) will be available in a future version of the module Advanced Resource Template.

Limiting the choice of the resource class to a specified list of classes could also be helpful – so that’s good to know!

What I’m specifically interested in here is the ability to require the selection of a resource class (any resource class). Is that something that might be available in Advanced Resource Template in the future as well?

It’s a little different from what I thought. I’ll check if it’s not to complex to integrate.

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I just updated module resource template to limit the resource class to a limited list of classes and to require one.

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Thanks so much! I appreciate it and will test it out.

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