Property with ID as value is skipped API

I’m trying to add new items that refer previously added items. I have a csv file, and in the dcterms:references column I have the item ID, such as:

dcterms:title; dcterms:references
I lombardi alla prima crociata (Spettacolo); 960

This is the code:

csvData = process_metadata(pathCsv)
item_set = 961
for line in csvData:
data = {"dcterms:title":
            [ {"property_id": 1,  "@value" : line['dcterms:title'], "type" : "literal" }],
            [ {"property_id": 36,  "@value_resource_id" : line['dcterms:references'], "type":"resource" }],
        "@type" : "o:Item",
        "o:item_set" : [ {"o:id": item_set}],
        "o:media" : []

However the property dcterms:references is skipped; is there any error in the data format? Thank you in advance. I couldn’t find any by reading the documentation and in previous questions here, but I probably made some

The key should not be @value_resource_id but value_resource_id (no at sign).

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