Privileges for modules

My institution must host roughly fifteen Omeka S sites. Virtually every site has its administrator. For each site, I created a user based on the Author role: they can search, read and create their own resources (items, item-sets and media).

Of course, these Authors cannot create resources manually since they have to load thousands of items using CSV Import.

According to Omeka S end user documentation (, only Global Admin and Site Administrator have access to modules.

However, I noticed that Custom Vocab module is accessible to Authors. How can I give access to CSV Import module to Authors?

The “only global and site admin” permissions are basically the defaults for things not otherwise specified.

If you look in the Custom Vocab module code, you’ll see that it modifies the ACL to set its own more relaxed permissions. Any module can do this, along the same lines.

In fact, you can alter those permissions in a different module, so you could have just a very small one that grants CSV Import access to more roles.

Many thanks. I asked our PHP Development Company to change permissions for few modules.