Omeka S Showcase?

I’d love to browse Omeka S in the wild, but I don’t see an Omeka S Showcase… yet. Is there a showcase in the works?

In the meantime, does anyone have links to projects they’d like to share?

The University of Tasmania just launched an Omeka S site

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Once there are a few more S sites launched, we plan to create a showcase.

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Our site is in production since March 2017:

There are few glitches because we recently upgraded to 1.1.1.

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Hi everyone! We have just launched 4 exhibits at the University of Utah using OmekaS, our site is available here: We’ll be rolling out more exhibits later this summer.

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This is a new site at the University of Utah that we just launched, with some custom theme work, Century of Black Mormons

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Last week we (Open Science Center at University of Jyväskylä) launched an Omeka S site dedicated to the Finnish poet Isa Asp. The site features digitized manuscript collection and short biographies of her friends and family. We explored with the linking feature quite heavily using FOAF, BIBO and GND ontologies.

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Thank you for another great new site! Would you please submit the details through this form so that I’m sure I get everything right when I add it to the directory?

Hello, I am interesting in creating a filtering option for my Omeka S site like the one you have in your site, can you tell me how you were able to created one? Did you use a Module? or do you have any available documentation on how you did this?

Hello. Do you mean the filters on the left side of the results list?
This is a feature provided by the following module:
You will also need another module:

Thank you so much, that is exactly wanted I meant?

Also, is your Theme available on Git? We are looking to create a similar interface for our project, or at least with similar functionality. Would you be willing to share the developer information/contact?

Yes. Here it is:

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Yes, Love the functionality of the filter and your theme in general. Is your theme available for use?


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Note that the digital library of Psl has a new theme that will be released soon.

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