Omeka S - google discovery


Just to let you know, we have successfully built an Omeka S site in a sandpit on our Organisation’s Server.

We are now investigating how we can optimize the discovery of our Omeka S sites for Google and other search engines.

Could you advise, how can we maximise the Omeka S site/s search engine optimisation during Site building and then once the Site is made public (e.g. Google Search Console, Google Analytics)?

Many thanks and we think Omeka S is going to be wonderful!


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Hi - just piggybacking on this question.

I’ve been trying to work on SEO for several Omeka-S sites in Google Web developer console. I’m having some issues with configuring omeka-s here as there isn’t a clear sitemap option as there is in classic to submit. But perhaps there is another workaround.


We are investigating the Digirati Google Analytics module.

See original DIgirati post from Ross McFadyen Google Analytics Module for Omeka S

Download module

Hope the above assists!
