Omeka-s CSV import - error message

Hi, I try to upload a csv file through the CSV Import. I get always the same message : “The rows are not all the same number of columns.”

I checked my file is well encoded in utf-8.

Could you tell me where does the mistake come from ?
Many thanks,


It seem’s to be a problem of column separators inside your csv file. Some lines contains probably more separator characters than expected.


Hi Fred,

yes, I saw my mistake. In fact as I work on a native ods file, each time I recorded my file, I had the choice between 2 types : either CSV ( in text) nor ods.
By choosing CSV( in text), it splits in several columns separator characters…so that when importing in Omeka-S, i had this logical message.

I fixed it correctly
Many thanks,

Hola! ¿de qué forma lograste solucionarlo?, me aparece el mismo error y no sé como arreglarlo. Mi archivo csv está bien codificado con UTF-8. Me encuentro usando xlsx para armar mis archivo csv.

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