Omeka METS Export Plugin question

Hi all,

I have a question about the Omeka METS Export plugin. Specifically about the dmdSec and the structMap sections. This is an Item file with five associated images, whose urls I have left blank for now. The following snippet is from an Omeka record in the standard Dublin Core which I made, and then exported in METS, and follows the mdWrap in the record which contains the Dublin Core information:

<METS:dmdSec ID="DMD_FILE40" >

<METS:dmdSec ID="DMD_FILE42" >

<METS:dmdSec ID="DMD_FILE44" >

<METS:dmdSec ID="DMD_FILE46" >

<METS:dmdSec ID="DMD_FILE48" >

So, my first question is basically why the DMD_FILE, which I’m assuming is referring to the image files, are increasing in number by 2 each time rather than by one. Because in the fileSec, we have this:

<METS:fileSec ID="FILES_ITEM4" >
<METS:file ID="FILE40" MIMETYPE="image/jpeg" SIZE="32646" CREATED="2017-02-18 22:19:23" DMDID="DMD_FILE40" >
<FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:href="http://...jpg" ></FLocat>
<METS:file ID="FILE41" MIMETYPE="image/jpeg" SIZE="25233" CREATED="2017-02-18 22:19:23" DMDID="DMD_FILE41" >
<FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:href="http://...jpg" ></FLocat>
<METS:file ID="FILE42" MIMETYPE="image/jpeg" SIZE="23710" CREATED="2017-02-18 22:19:23" DMDID="DMD_FILE42" >
<FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:href="http://...jpg" ></FLocat>
<METS:file ID="FILE43" MIMETYPE="image/jpeg" SIZE="29429" CREATED="2017-02-18 22:19:23" DMDID="DMD_FILE43" >
<FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:href="...jpg" ></FLocat>
<METS:file ID="FILE44" MIMETYPE="image/jpeg" SIZE="25323" CREATED="2017-02-18 22:19:23" DMDID="DMD_FILE44" >
<FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:href="...jpg" ></FLocat>

…which makes more sense to me since the file number is just increasing by 1 every time here. And then something even weirder in the structMap:

<METS:structMap >
<METS:fptr FILEID="FILE40"/>
<METS:fptr FILEID="FILE40"/>
<METS:fptr FILEID="FILE40"/>
<METS:fptr FILEID="FILE40"/>
<METS:fptr FILEID="FILE40"/>


The structMap only refers to FILE40, five times. Shouldn’t they be referring to each individual file as in the fileSec? Basically, my question is the following: were the dmdSec and the structMap here exported incorrectly, and are they providing an inaccurate version of the METS record?

Thanks in advance if anyone can help me with this.

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