Old version of Omeka? Can't get administrator function to work

I think I have an old version of Omeka. I cannot get the administrator function to work. When I type in my password, I’m told it’s not valid. When I follow directions to reset password, I do not receive a reply. Please assist. I need a new password that works so I can adminstrate.

Email is a function pretty much handled by your server; if you’re having problems getting emails, check with your server administrator or IT for support.

Is it possible I have an old version of Omeka? Others have mentioned that in older versions the adminstrator function no longer works.

There’s no general rule that old versions mean the admin doesn’t work… I’m not quite sure what you’re thinking of on that front, actually. We’ve seen a few cases where people’s web hosts have upgraded the server underneath an Omeka site and that required an upgrade, I guess.

It’s more likely that there’s just some issue on your server with sending mail, or that the message did send but was detected as spam somewhere along the way (possibly including your own spam filter, have you checked there?)

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