New installation not working

First time setting Omeka-S. After following installation instructions, not getting the web page to work. Getting:

This page isn’t working is currently unable to handle this request.


Database questions:

What is the correct database name that should be in the database.ini file? Is it the default: mysql ? Or is the Omeka installation supposed to create a new database?

Is the host name supposed to be localhost or does it have to be the server name?

Web site:

I put the installation in: /var/www/html/omeka-s Is this correct?

Any other ideas on what I may have missed?


You need to create a database for Omeka S, unless you are using a one-click installer.

I created the database and modified the database.ini file . Still getting the same results.

If you’re just getting a generic “HTTP error 500” page, you might be having problems at some level above Omeka S itself.

Have you checked your web server’s error log? Generally a 500 error will be logged with an accompanying message or reason.

I have been able to make some progress. I am no longer getting the HTTP error 500. I now get to a web page that says: “Some installation requirements were not satisfied - ‘/var/www/html/omeka-s/files’ is not a writable directory”

I understand that I need to make that folder writable to Apache. I have changed ownership of the folder to be the username Apache and the permissions to be 755. Just for troubleshooting sake, I made the permissions 777 just to make sure it is still fully writable. But I get the same error. Any ideas?

I found the solution. This version of Linux has enhanced security. That security has to relaxed to get the web pages to work.

I ran the command: setenforce permissive

The site started working.

It’s probably worth your time to investigate what the specific problem is rather than disable SELinux (I assume this is SELinux) wholesale. Generally the solution to an SELinux problem is to “relabel” files to have the proper or expected security context.

You may need to look at help or documentation specific to your distribution, but there’s typically a context or type you can set for files and directories to indicate they should be writable by the web server.