Modifying public items browse navigation

I have a similar question, except it’s not on the admin page: I want to know where to modify the navigation on the Browse items public page to remove some of the fields that currently exist there (e.g. Browse by creators, which was added prior to my arrival by a previous developer). I’m tearing my hair out looking for this file. Where is it?

(Also, this is not the browse by creators plug-in, because I added the plug-in for Browse by subjects, it’s totally different.)

Hi, just wondering if anyone knows where I can find the file to modify for the above request, to add/delete navigation options on the Browse page, e.g., Browse by [whatever]?

By default, the navigation on the Browse Items page comes from the function call public_nav_items.

Custom content in there could have been added by directly editing the function in the core (in application/libraries/globals.php), or could be added by a plugin using the public_navigation_items filter.

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Thank you! Found it in the globals.php file.