Mod_rewrite is not enabled - Omeka 2.5 not fully installing


I’ve been having problems trying to install Omeka 2.5 on my web dev server. I followed the steps outlined here as closely as I could (I am using Ubuntu server 16 not 12) and I got as far as having a screen appear that says “Installation Error mod rewrite is not enabled”.

I searched until I found what I believe is the correct Apache2 config file (/etc/apache2/apache2.conf) and changed the AllowOverride setting associated with my directory to All. This, however, didn’t work so I instead attempted a workaround that I saw in this post on the forum. The workaround allowed me to input some information (such as password, email address, settings etc.) and after that I was directed to the home page. Unfortunately when I click on any links on the home page I receive a page not found error so it looks like it didn’t fix the problem.

My question is what could be going wrong with my installation process? Is there maybe some other configuration file I should be editing instead?

The server I am installing Omeka 2.5 on is running:
Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS
PHP 7.0.18
mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.17
Apache 2.4.18

Sorry for the rambling post, I just wanted to give as much information as possible about the steps I’ve taken. If there is any other information that might be useful please let me know. Thanks for reading!

It looks like the workaround got you to a successful install, but something still amiss with the apache2.conf file. If I remember right, there could be a couple different directories where that AllowOverride setting needs to be set, depending on how the web server is configured. So, I’d start by checking through all the directories listed in the conf file(s) to check the setting.

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Thanks for the fast response, this solved my issue. I added

< Directory /var/www>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride All
< /Directory>

To /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf within the virtual host tags. It’s also worth noting I had to re-comment the RewriteBase line that I had meddled with in the .htaccess file to try and fix the issue earlier.