Is there a way to edit CSS/HTML of browse_sort_links?

When I use browse_sort_links(), the output comes out as unordered list bullet points (<li>). However, I would like to use the sorted links in a sentence, kind of like this:

<p>You can browse items by <?php echo browse_sort_links(array('Title'=>'Dublin Core,Title'), array('')); ?>, <?php echo browse_sort_links(array('Creator'=>'Dublin Core,Creator'), array('')); ?>, or search. </p>

Does that make sense? Is there a way to override this or fix it in style.css, so that browse_sort_links doesn’t appear as a list?

Here is the code I’m using

   $sortLinks[__('Title')] = 'Dublin Core,Title';
   $sortLinks[__('Creator')] = 'Dublin Core,Creator';
   <?php echo browse_sort_links(array('Title'=>'Dublin Core,Title'), array('')); ?>
   <?php echo browse_sort_links(array('Creator'=>'Dublin Core,Creator'), array('')); ?>

Thank you!

The second parameter to browse_sort_links is an array of info about the tags used. Here’s the defaults:

    $defaults = array(
        'link_tag' => 'li',
        'list_tag' => 'ul',
        'link_attr' => array(),
        'list_attr' => array( 'id' => 'sort-links-list' )

Passing in an array that sets what you need to an empty string should do the trick.

hi can say me where i find this code to try :S