We have started putting images from rare books online with Omeka S 4.10 and when we try to add our manifest to someones Mirador viewer or the demo viewer we get an error “The resource cannot be added:”.
I have tried the the Universal Viewer online and get a similar error.
Is this a setting that needs to be changed on our Omeka S server?
Is it a different problem?
The URL you have copied is not the proper Manifest URL, actually the right URL should be: https://hasselibraryrarebooks.csl.edu/iiif/3/164/manifest
Moreover your server does not provide HTTP CORS headers in your Manifest responses. These headers are required if you want your Manifests to be displayed in third-party IIIF viewers (see https://enable-cors.org)
If you’re presumably using IIIF Presentation Module, it does add the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header specifically for manifests which would suffice, but it seems that some setting on your server is stripping it out. I see your server is using Cloudflare, which may have souped up security settings turned on. Though we use Cloudflare and haven’t had an issue.