How to change browse snippet from description to item type metadata

I want to replace description with the item type metadata “performances” in the browse.php file. How do I do this?

Site: Browse Items · Music Programs Digital Collection
Ex. of Performance Data: Recital by Anthony Newman, organ · Music Programs Digital Collection

<?php if ($description = metadata('item', array('Dublin Core', 'Description'), array('snippet'=>250))): ?>
<div class="item-description">
    <?php echo $description; ?>
<?php endif; ?>

<?php if (metadata('item', 'has tags')): ?>
<div class="tags"><p><strong><?php echo __('Tags'); ?>:</strong>
    <?php echo tag_string('items'); ?></p>


I guess you could use something like:

<?php if ($performance = metadata('item', array('Music Program Item Type Metadata', 'Performances'), array('snippet' => 250))): ?>
<div class="item-performance">
    <?php echo $performance; ?>
<?php endif; ?>

Hope this helps.

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